Archivio per tag: Robert Lambert

Categorie: English news

I have been on the road from our placid Vicenza for the past three weeks...

Giovedi 2 Luglio 2015 alle 22:13
ArticleImage Dear Students, I have been on the road from our placid Vicenza for the past three weeks. I can reccomend the deelights of blablacar, the Internets site where you can seek and offer lifts online.
It was a hot morning, and I had a bit of a hangover when I met Simon at Mestre station, and four of us set off towards Belgrade. In Triest we picked up a couple of teenagers from Bari, and dropped off a couple. The teenagers were en route to Zagreb for some strange card tournament, with little plastic cards. I couldn't honestly understand the mechanisms of it. Nice kids, with their sunny accents, enjoying the first part of their long summer holiday.

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